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Making a marriage work takes the same tenacity and discipline as being a nun.


Shani Chen knows because she aspired to be a nun, and the role of marriage has still challenged her in every way. She's found herself in every dark place a marriage could bring, understanding the brokenness that often comes with such territory. But through every fall, the wisdom and grace of the nuns gently picked her up, lifting her out of each situation with extraordinary love and strength.


They taught her how to utilize obstacles as fuel, to assume the role as leader in her home and to thrive radiantly as a wife and mother. In this book, she writes about all the insights she gained from these benevolent beings and how their holy ways are beneficial to our holy marriages.


Bonus Workbooklet:

When you buy the book here, enjoy a complimentary workbooklet entitled, Nun Heart, which is only available through this site (supplies are limited). She wanted the booklet to act as a companion during difficult times, using words and queries to guide a broken heart to the other side. She felt that this work was important, because in her earlier years of marriage, she always wished she had a reference guide like this. 

Signed Paperback Book/ Free Shipping

  • If Nuns Were Wives

    Publisher: Morgan James Publishing

    Publication Date: March 20, 2018

    Language: English

    Prodcut Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches

    Book Length: 192

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